Summary from
"Mustafa (Sayed Badreya), a widowed Egyptian immigrant who runs a popular Los Angeles café while trying to find an acceptable suitor for his unmarried sister, must rethink his traditional values when he has the chance to open a restaurant with a Jewish partner (Tony Shalhoub). His belief system is further shaken when his sister reveals that she's fallen in love with a handsome American doctor who is not a Muslim."
American East is a movie that upset me. Not because of the acting or the story (both of which were amazing), but because it was an accurate depiction of how we are as a people. How we are so quick to label and judge people and how we let fear control and change us.
In a lot of tv shows and movies today, there are plots that involve terrorism. . I've always wondered how the actors that played these terrorists felt about their parts and how it effected them. One of the stories in the film gave me a glimpse of how that might be.
The movie, with its interesting stories and believing characters, kept me glued to the couch. Just when i thought things we getting better, it takes a turn for the worse.
Great movie! This is something i can watch over again... BUY IT!
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